Stunning 360imagery Virtual Tour of World-Famous Rugby School

Whilst 360imagery are passionate about capturing ‘big sheds’ and warehouses – it’s what we’ve been doing for over 16 years and are very well-known for – it’s always a pleasure to be commissioned on something completely different! We were very excited when Rugby School Enterprises asked us to create one of our bespoke Virtual Tours of Rugby School, with it’s stunning architecture and picturesque backdrops. We knew we could really do something quite special with this one!
Rugby School Enterprises is the “commercial arm” of this world-famous school – and hires out venues and spaces throughout its extensive property estate for weddings, events, residential courses etc when the school is closed during holidays. What better marketing tool than a 360imagery Virtual Tour to really show off this venue at its best?….. Fully immersive walk around, 360-degree viewing providing a stunning visual aid to market any location, attraction, destination or building you are trying to rent, sell or get people to visit, 24/7!
The original Virtual Tour was created by us pre-Covid and actually then became a vital marketing tool during the COVID-19 outbreak and subsequent lock down, enabling the school to effectively still market itself online during this time. We’ve since been back to update some scenes within the tour when areas of the school have been renovated and redecorated – easily done, and another advantage to a Virtual Tour over paper marketing materials, which would quickly become outdated. My last visit was August 2024.
This Virtual Tour includes:
- 6 stunning aerial 360s captured from 400 ft from various key positions around the school grounds, ‘looking in’ on the school estate.
- Over 300 x individual 360 panoramas making up the tour – taking you on a virtual walk around many of the buildings, classrooms, and venues around the school
- Stunning architecture – so many picturesque backdrops and venues perfect for weddings, conferences, foreign student group holidays,
- Interactive hotspot markers in the aerial allowing the user to “drop in” to specific venues.
- A User Interface (or UI) designed around the school branding to seamlessly blend with the client website (where the tour is published).
- HDR (High Dynamic Range) photography technique, evening out the lightest and darkest areas of the image, so you won’t see ‘blown out’ windows or loss of detail.
As with all our virtual tours, this example can be viewed on mobile devices using the gyroscope feature to look around (smartphones and tablets) and even in virtual reality (VR) using Google Cardboard VR viewers or Oculus Go. The tours work cross-platform on iOS, Android and PC / Mac and are also mobile-responsive.
#virtualtour #360 #aerial photography #dronephotography #360virtualtour
Want a tour like this? Get in touch with Stuart to discuss your project